Artwork My Way: Friendly to the Wallet, the Mind and the Planet

I’m thinking more about how to describe my process when I do tasks related to my artwork. I think these three descriptors suit best: Friendly to the Wallet Friendly to the Mind Friendly to the Planet On Taking Care of the Wallet and Planet While my budgeting skills and process is not as hard-core as the boyfriend’s, … More Artwork My Way: Friendly to the Wallet, the Mind and the Planet

Informed and Empowered by being Aware of my Finances

This is a trait that my S.O had a loooooong time ago. It was prompted when he purchased the condo, his first large expense with long-term ongoing debt. He would talk about the pie graphs and charts and occasionally would refer to having to check his “dicking around money” (aka personal spending budget) for decisions … More Informed and Empowered by being Aware of my Finances